
The aims of the Sheffield Ship Model Society are to promote all  branches of model watercraft activity.

Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting will take place every year, preferably in September.
The following events will take place at the AGM
  • To receive retiring officers’ reports
  • To elect all officers and committee members for the year commencing
  • To receive propositions for rule changes in section one of the rule book
  • To consider any other business of an AGM nature
The incoming committee will at its first meeting:
  • Discuss the fees and if necessary the third party insurance, and will then put its recommendations to the Club Members at the next full Club Meeting for discussion and resolution.
All voting at the AGM will be decided on a simple majority.
In the event of a tie, the Chair Person will have the deciding vote.
At least 25% of the members must be present at the AGM. If insufficient members are present another meeting  must be called  as soon as possible.

Extraordinary General Meeting
This type of meeting can be called at any time either by the committee ,or by 10% of the Club Members. For the latter, the secretary must receive the request in writing  signed by the Members. Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting must be received  by members at least seven days before. The rules for this meeting are the same as for the Annual General Meeting.

Committee Meeting
Committee  meetings  will be held  monthly and  minutes  produced and  stored.

Monthly Meeting
There is no requirement to produce minutes for monthly meetings however, should an issue arise it will be dealth with at this meeting unless it necessitates further involvement, in which case it will be dealt with at a later date by the Committee. They will report back to the Membership at the next available
Monthly Meeting.
Club Officers
  • Chair Person
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
Plus a maximum of 6 Officers.
Sub committee members whose duties are to be specified.