Sheffield Ship Model Society
Established 1937
The Building of the Patricia Anne
by Richard Rawson
I have been building model boats since I retired some 3 years ago. I started on small model balsa wood models speed boats fishing boats etc. As my skills improved I started using plywood and building bigger models, mainly yachts. Last summer I was sailing at Millhouses , when Neville Wade was sailing his square rigger FAME, I mentioned to Nev how majestic it looked . Well Richard he replied I can lend you a plan if you fancy building her. Well why not I thought, so I borrowed his plan, didn’t realize it was nearly six foot by four. Massive ! It was that big it took three attempts at Pinders to copy it. First step was a building board I used chip board for this. I used tracing paper to copy the keel and bulkheads this was pasted to the building board.
The keel and bulkheads were made from 3/8 ply using a jigsaw. The keel was attached to the board using ½ inch square wood 4 pieces were used two were screwed to the bows parallel to each other leaving a gap to slot the keel in and two at the stern . Once the keel was in place the bulkheads were slotted on .
This was a time consuming job because there were well over 20 bulk heads ( see photo ) the bottom of the keel was reinforced to support the leaded keel .
Neville used plank on frame for his hulls, which is all well and good, but I prefer using plywood I used 1/32 ND ply this is quite flexible to use maybe thin but its going to be reinforce by fiber glass
Once the hull was covered all the gaps were filled in using car body filler on the outside ,on the inside the plan was to use fiber glass and resin , but this is very messy so I used J clothes from the local shop instead .
These were placed between the bulk heads then fiber glass resin was poured in, then brushed in using a cheap paintbrush . Once everything was set the hull was sanded down to a smooth finish.
Next step was fitting the masts and then the servos, once this was done I put in the deck using 1/8 th ply once fitted it was coated in resin to waterproof it. The hull has been painted now .
Next step was planking the decks, I used Mahogany 3/8 th strip once this was done it was varnished, rubbed down several times in between coats of varnish until I got a decent finish . Time to fit the yards now made these out of doweling , once these were attached the lines from the servos were thread up though the decks and ran up the masts I used small curtain hooks to attache the line to the yards .
Now for the sails at first I tried sail cloth , But my sewing skills are non existent , So I decided to use architectural drafting film from Pinders. Instead . This was a lot easier just a matter of cutting the sails out and fitting eyelets .
Very nearly ready now, I used a 6 volt receiver pack with a recharging point brought up to the deck .
Just a few finishing touches now.
Finished hull ready for the sails
Ready to launch now at Millhouses !!
She sails fine.
Below in company of Nevilles four master.
To sum up a great model to build even though it took six months to build. This is the biggest model I have built.
There was a few teething problems , Had to change the servos for more torque and I placed the main mast 3 inch out of place , and I forgot to waterproof the bowsprit where it joined the hull. But its all experience & she sails great now.
I might even consider building another one, but at the moment I will just enjoy sailing Patricia Anne.
I named her 'Patricia Anne' after my late sister who sadly we lost to cancer.
My thanks to Neville Wade who gave me a lot of advice on this model.